
Where's Ariel?

August 13, 2012

Seen on the street in San Francisco:

I hope she enjoyed her trip. Apparently, her co-workers missed her!

First impressions

I Owe You an Apology Garden & Gun...

June 11, 2012

for the slightly snarky tone of my post here. After several blog readers gently corrected my impressions of you, I bought your June/July issue and checked out gardenandgun.com.

You are most certainly not aimed at careless gun-toting yahoos, but at upscale readers who appreciate the uniqueness of southern culture and have the disposable income to purchase custom bicycles or handcrafted tables, and visit Bermuda on vacation. I quite enjoyed the article “Pit Stops,” listing readers’ favorite places to stop on a road trip in the south—everywhere from cemeteries to art museums to roadhouses and produce stands. (Two places I know and love were listed: the John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art and Bok Tower Gardens.)

So please forgive me for my uppity attitude and let’s be friends.

Which just goes to show something I should already know: you can’t judge a book (or magazine) by its cover (or title). Do not make assumptions about things or people without taking time to get to know them.

Have you had any unexpected and pleasant surprises lately?

Everyday adventures

Only in the South

May 07, 2012

Stumbled on this magazine at the grocery store:

I had not seen it before, but I see by the cover it’s celebrating its fifth anniversary! I don’t know who thought of it, but apparently someone felt that gardens and guns were a nifty combination. And many other someones must agree, or it wouldn’t still be in print.

I should have flipped through it, but I was in a hurry to finish shopping. Next time I see it, I’m going to take a peek.

What interesting combinations have you seen lately?


7 x 7

April 27, 2012


Last week while I was out of town (more about that next week), Danielle at A Work in Progress tagged me with the 7 x 7 link award. So while I’m unpacking and organizing my photos and doing laundry, I’ll stop for a minute to complete this meme. Here are the instructions:

1. Tell everyone something about yourself that nobody else knows.
2. Link to a post you think fits the following categories: Most Beautiful Piece, Most Helpful Piece, Most Popular Piece, Most Controversial Piece, Most Surprisingly Successful Piece, Most Underrated Piece, Most Pride-worthy Piece.
3. Pass this on to seven fellow bloggers.

1. Most of the bloggers are skipping this one, and there’s not much that nobody else knows (that I care to reveal, anyway!), but let me think… how about: though I don’t know if my shoulder tendonitis would permit it, I would like to learn how to fence—en garde!

2. Posts for the following categories:
Most Beautiful Piece: Personally, I like the dreamy feel of After the Rain.

Most Helpful Piece: The Good Enough Blog Post.

Most Popular Piece: Judging by number of comments, I’d say So Much More has been the most popular. 

Most Controversial Piece: I don’t “do” controversial—but maybe this one comes close? 

Most Surprisingly Successful Piece: The reading challenge posts last year here and here seemed to attract a lot of interest and comments.

Most Underrated Piece: Life Lessons from a Panda.  Not everyone likes to take their life lessons from cartoons…

Most Pride-worthy Piece: Discovery: Ellen Glasgow. I loved reading Barren Ground and researching Glasgow, and was proud of how this piece turned out.

I had fun reviewing nearly two and a half years of posts. Do you agree with my choices?

The seven bloggers I tag are:

Elizabeth at More to Love

Kathy at Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy

Michelle at A Reader’s Footprints

Sage at The Path of Possibility

Kelly at Red and the Peanut

Elizabeth at A Nature Art Journal

Don’t worry if you don’t want to play, and if you’re not mentioned and this meme sounds fun to you, consider yourself tagged also!


All You Ever Wanted to Know About Me--And More

March 19, 2012

I enjoyed this post by Crazy Aunt Purl (Laurie Perry) from several years ago, and since she did tag “everyone on the planet,” here goes:

TEN random things you might not know about me:
  1. I taught myself to eat with my left hand when I was a teenager and still find myself doing so sometimes.
  2. I never met a scone I didn’t like.
  3. I know how to give intramuscular injections to a horse.
  4. I no longer have a gall bladder. (Too much information?)
  5. I was very into acting in high school and was the president of the Thespian Club. (One of my specialties was imitating Lily Tomlin’s character, Edith Ann.)
  6. I learned to drive in my mom’s electric blue Camaro (much to the envy of my son, who learned to drive in a Honda Accord).
  7. I write poetry.
  8. I love flea markets and antique stores.
  9. I’m hopelessly un-athletic.
  10. But I try anyway. Sometimes. If I feel like it. 
NINE places I’ve visited:
  1. New Orleans
  2. France
  3. Greece
  4. Yellowstone National Park
  5. Israel
  6. England
  7. Italy
  8. Alaska
  9. Washington, D.C.
 EIGHT ways to win my heart:
  1. Be kind.
  2. Feed me chocolate.
  3. Make me laugh.
  4. Be Hugh Jackman.
  5. Cook for me.
  6. Even better, clean for me!
  7. Talk to me, listen to me—connect with me.
  8. Did I mention chocolate?
 SEVEN things I want to do before I die:
  1. Visit Prince Edward Island.
  2. Read all the books on my to-be-read list. (I’d better live forever.)
  3. Learn another language.
  4. Write a book.
  5. Live for a few months in several different cities.
  6. Love my body.
  7. Find out where the moths in my pantry are coming from!
 SIX things I’m afraid of:
  1. Lightning.
  2. Losing the people I love.
  3. Wasting my opportunities.
  4. Contracting a debilitating disease.
  5. Pennsylvania sports fans.
  6. That the Hokey-Pokey is what it’s all about.
 FIVE things I don’t like:
  1. Uncomfortable shoes
  2. Bloviators (it’s a very descriptive word!)
  3. Talk radio (see “Bloviators”)
  4. White chocolate (come on, people, it’s not even chocolate!)
  5. Humidity
 FOUR ways to turn me off:
  1. Be cruel to a person or to an animal.
  2. Try to convince me that your opinion is right and mine is wrong.
  3. Try to manipulate me or make me feel guilty.
  4. Fail to understand my absolute and uncontrollable need to browse in every used book store I see.
 THREE things I do every day:
  1. Read.
  2. Laugh.
  3. Brush my teeth.
 TWO things that make me happy (only two?!):
  1. Solitude.
  2. Cuddling with my dog.
 ONE thing on my mind right now:
  1. Tablets vs. Netbooks vs. “Ultrabooks”—and do I really need any more technology!
Tag—you’re it! How are we the same? How are we different? What’s on your mind right now?