Why "Catching Happiness"?

“The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”—Benjamin Franklin

Welcome to Catching Happiness. I’m Kathy Johnson, a freelance writer, avid reader, and connoisseur of all things happy and inspiring. I started this blog back in 2009 because I believe happiness matters, we are in charge of our own happiness, and we can improve it.

Each week on Catching Happiness we’ll explore simple pleasures and everyday adventures and how they contribute to happiness, all with an eye towards learning and growth.

Most weeks, you can expect at least two posts—including information about positive psychology and happiness research, inspirational quotes, or personal reflections on living a happy life. Now and then, we’ll take a trip (“Field Trip Friday”) or a closer look at a specific simple pleasure or everyday adventure.

Focusing on the positive doesn’t mean ignoring problems or pretending everything is great when it’s not. Sadness and troubles are part of all lives—even the happiest ones. Together we’ll learn to look for and recognize the gifts inside our challenges, and how we can grow through them. Because sometimes happiness doesn’t feel “happy.”

My hope is that you’ll treat Catching Happiness as a refuge from the stress and overwhelm of everyday life, and take with you some new and uplifting thought when you visit.

What are your challenges with leading a happier life? Is there an area we can explore together? Please drop me a line at kathyjohn335 [at] gmail [dot] com to let me know.

Won’t you join me in exploring ways to catch happiness? Follow along by entering your email address in the Subscribe box (I promise it will remain our secret) to receive updates in your inbox. As a bonus, you’ll receive the free download, “30 Days of Happy.” You’ll also be signed up for the monthly Happy Little Thoughts newsletter.

Have a happy day,


P.S. If you’re new here, check out these posts to give you a taste of what Catching Happiness is all about: