Taking It Slow

January 08, 2021

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Even though I’d like to dive into the New Year with gusto, I’m finding it slow going. Nothing much has really changed yet, and most of 2020’s challenges remain. Even though it’s already one week into January, I’m still going through my usual end-of-one-year/beginning-of-another rituals and planning practices

I tell myself there’s no need to rush. I have a lot of unfinished business from last year, a lot of projects started and abandoned that I may or may not pick up again. I don’t want to stop dreaming, but I also don’t want to utterly frustrate myself with plans that stand little chance of happening in the coming year.

I believe this is a time for gentleness and kindness (with ourselves and others), for optimism, but also patience and caution.

So I’m going slow. Taking down mementos from 2020, clipping photos for a new vision board, choosing a word of the year (or rather, letting it choose me).

If you’re having trouble getting excited about a new year, or finding it hard to make plans for the future, feel free to take it slow. Last year was a hard year, and we’re still feeling its effects.

How is your planning process for 2021 different from past years? What would you really love to see happen this year?

P.S. Before we shut the door on The Year That Must Not Be Named, click here to read Cleo Wade’s “It is Okay (a poem of validation for the year 2020)”. I promise it will make you feel better. 

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  1. Yes, acceptance of my own self and pace is helping me to actually have more Gusto. I so often have wanted to be faster, more, better, etc. With acceptance I'm actually making progress with follow through. Right now my plans are for each day, not the whole year. One mini vision at a time. I will see if I have a word of the year. I did have Words of the Day several months ago...That will be more realistic for me. My resolutions: To continue what I was doing at the end of last year, little by little. Thanks for an inspiring post, Rita

    1. Your words really resonated with me, Rita. I think it's great to take it one day at a time, one mini vision at a time. So much gets lost when we rush through everything.

      One of my new mantras that I've been saying to myself for the past few months is "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast." There may be a blog post about it somewhere down the line.
