Choosing Where to Look

April 13, 2018

Photo by Rana Sawalha on Unsplash

“I have found that I cannot force myself to feel aware or happy or interested or satisfied, no matter how hard I try. However, I can choose to allow myself to enter these states by relaxing and by consciously directing my attention in certain ways.

“You cannot make yourself see or think things that are positive; but you can choose where to look and what to think about. You can choose where to direct your attention. In this sense you can determine the interior quality of your life.”
—Tristine Rainer, The New Diary

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  1. Dear Kathy - great thought to start a joyful weekend. Hope yours is blessed with joy as well.

    1. So far, so good, Debbie! Hope you're staying warm :)

  2. I've been sick and your post would have helped. From time to time I tried to let go into joy or pleasure. Trying to force it didn't work. Wishing you lots of allowing and positivity. Thank you.

    1. Sorry to hear you've been sick. I find that if I'm sick or injured, it's much harder to maintain a positive outlook--so I feel for you! Hope you're feeling better now, and thank you for your wish.
